I praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made. - Psalm 139:14
You know that moment when you meet someone for the first time, and you start to get to know each other? It might be a new neighbor, or a new co-worker, or the person next to you on a long airplane flight.
You start with your names, but that doesn't tell each other much unless you have an unusual name, like Stargazer Smith. Or a famous name, like Tiger Woods. Of course, that wouldn't be the real Tiger Woods because he would never fly coach or move in next door to me. You start with names, but we are all more than a name.
"What do you do?" is usually the next step. Generally, this means what do you do for a living? What is your job? I am a teacher. I am retired. I am a church pastor - that usually ends the conversation rather quickly because the other person is afraid they might say a swear word in front of me and apparently then I fall to pieces. Or they go straight to hell. I have never really figured that one out. But once again, we are more than just what we do.
When I meet someone for the first time, I "check them out." Don't misunderstand me. What that means for me is I look at the shoes they are wearing and what kind of watch they have on. That tells me if they are a runner. And while they are more than a runner, that is usually enough to make me like them.
Think of all the different identifiers that say something about who you are. I am a husband, a father, a brother. I am a white, middle-aged (can I still say that?), man. I am a runner, a reader, and a huge fan of "Big Bang Theory." I am an introvert living in an extrovert world.
I could go on and on naming categories that would tell others who I am, and those who know me could probably list a few more. And when I came to the end of that list, after naming everything that says anything about who I am, there would still be one more thing to say.
"I am more than that."
As a beloved child of God, "fearfully and wonderfully made," I am MORE than all of that.
And so are you.
Worship This Week
Sunday, 10am, in the sanctuary & Facebook Live
Thursday, 6:30pm, in the North Room.
If you join us in-person, you must wear a mask and follow safe distancing.
If you are not well or have been exposed to someone with the corona virus, please watch from home.
Keep In Prayer:
Marvin Homan, Sherry Williams, Sherry's friend Cheryl, Mary Wallen, Alvin Shelley, Dee Kuhlman,
Kathy Sanders' mother & brother
Our shut-ins: Kate Shelley, Dot Ann Smith, Nora Smith, Helen Payne, Bernie Reynolds