"The earth is the LORD's and the fullness therein." (Psalm 24:1)
As our calendars turn to August, there is something about those words of Psalm 24 that fill me with joy. Looking around at fields and flowers and trees, I am reminded the earth is indeed full thanks to God. I pray you find moments of joy each day as well. Now, a few things:
Please join us for worship again this weekend. As usual, Thursday evening at 6:30pm on the North sidewalk; Sunday morning at 9:00am in the Peace Garden and streaming live. You can also view the service later on Sunday on the website thanks to our webmaster, Ben! This week's message is, "More Please!"
Newsletters will be available this weekend. Paper copies will be mailed and e-copies will be emailed and posted on the website. Stay informed - check it out!
I am happy to report the Non-Food Bank has been awarded $2000 from the United Fund for their 2021 funding cycle. The United Fund raises and distributes $390,000 (2021 goal) to services in our area and we are pleased to be among them. Consider a gift during their fund drive this fall. I will post more information as it becomes available.
In case you missed it, Helen Payne has a new address at the Willows of Bellevue. Help her settle in by sending a note or card to 101 Auxiliary Drive, Room 406, Bellevue, OH 44811.
Thank you to everyone who donated to our July Noisy Offering and Mission Focus for the UCC special Strengthen the Church Offering. I don't have a total yet but we raised around $75. In August our focus will be our church camp and Templed Hills. This summer, because of the pandemic, all camps went online and were free as a mission of our Heartland Conference. That means there was no income and so I wanted to give this opportunity to support camp.
Saturday is the annual meeting of the Northwest Ohio Association (of which our church is a member). It is virtual, as are so many meetings, and our good friend Tom Kagy is the Moderator of the Association. Our prayers are with Tom as he leads this meeting and helps guide our Association.
Lastly, I encourage everyone to keep in our prayer the teachers, staff and administrators of our schools. This is a uniquely troubling time and especially for them as decisions need to be made on school openings. This pandemic is far from over. The Johns Hopkins Coronovirus Resource Center reports 1403 confirmed deaths in the US yesterday. That is roughly the population of Monroeville gone in a single day! Please be safe and care for one another. As Jesus said, "You shall love your neighbor as yourself."
That's all for this week. May God bless all.