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Wayne Chasney

Now Is a Good Time

Create in me a clean heart, O God, and put a new and right spirit within me. (Psalm 51:10)


              On the Jewish calendar, the days we are in right now between Rosh Hashanah (the Jewish New Year) and Yom Kippur (Day of Atonement) are known as the Days of Awe. This is a time of reflection and self-assessment as one looks back on the past year, repenting of misdeeds, and looks forward with the commitment to be more kind, generous, and faithful to God.

              One commentator I heard on the radio discussing this ten-day period said, “This is a time to finish what needs finishing before beginning what needs beginning.”

              How wonderful, I thought, to have a time set aside every year to finish what needs finishing. How many projects do I have partway finished? How many tasks, some important and others less so, have I been putting off? How wonderful to make finishing what needs finishing a part of life’s annual cycle!

              Then I thought of relationships. How many grudges am I holding onto that simply need to be let go? How many relationships are in a state of limbo because of some misunderstanding neither one of us wants to address? Who is awaiting my apology or awaiting my forgiveness so that we can begin again?

              We may not have an intentional time of the year for finishing what needs finishing so we can begin what needs beginning, but why not now? Why not today? Why not take some time in this changing season to reflect, confess, repent, and move forward?

              “Gracious God, give me the insight and strength to finish what needs finishing that I may begin what needs beginning. Amen.”

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